This page is all about our work with local schools.


We have worked with Manadon Vale Primary School in Plymouth, with some projects based around our land.

The children have studied some tadpoles (since returned as frogs to their birthplace) and have examined logs for minibeasts.

Collecting the logs

Ready for delivery

The logs caused much interest amongst the members of Class 5D

Ben Spear said "It was GREAT. We found lots of beetles, some spiders, centipedes, caterpillars. Ooh, and an earwig. We all had a lot of fun.


Luckily there are enough small logs around Quoditch for these few to be taken away without despoiling the habitat. This has meant that the pupils of a city school have been able to take apart the logs and identify the microhabitats in which the species were found. They were able to study the creatures at close quarters in their habitat and use hand lenses to note the animals' characteristics.

The creatures and logs were afterwards placed in a designated wild area within the school grounds. This also will allow the children to monitor the spread and development of any colonies arising from the introduced creatures (or their demise!) and give them an appreciation of conservation issues and ethics.


If your school, college or university would like any help from us then please contact us.

(We are quite familiar with the National Curriculum!)


Page updated September 16th. 2005

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