This is a complete reference of our research sources




ATKINSON, Rev. J.C. - British Birds' Eggs and Nests, popularly described - George Routledge and Sons Ltd, London




BARNETT L.K. & WARREN M.S. - Species Action Plan - Marsh Fritillary, Butterfly Conservation, Wareham. 1995


BEAUFOY, S. & E.M. - Butterflies of the Wood, Collins, London. 1953


BRISTOW, C.R., MITCHELL, S.H. & BOLTON, D.E. - Devon Butterflies, Devon Books, Tiverton.1993


BROOKS, MARGARET (1991) - A Complete Guide to British Moths, Jonathan Cape, London.


BROOKS MARGARET, KNIGHT, CHARLES - A Complete Guide to British Butterflies, Jonathan Cape, London. 1982





CAMPBELL, Bruce- The Dictionary of Birds in Colour, BCA, London. 1974

CHINERY, Michael - Collins Field Guides - INSECTS OF BRITAIN & NORTHERN EUROPE - Harper Collins. (1993)

CHINERY Michael - Collins Checkbook - British Wild Flowers - Harper Collins, London. 1995


CHINERY, Michael - Collins Gem - INSECTS, Photoguide - Harper Collins (1997)


CLEMENT, Peter - The Chiffchaff - Hamlyn Ltd, London. 1995


COLEMAN, W.S. - British Butterflies - George Routledge & Sons, London .1860.


CONDRY, William - Woodlands, Readers Union, Newton Abbot. 1975.





DIXON, Charles - Our Favourite Song Birds, Their habits, music and characteristics - Lawrence and Bullen Ltd, London. 1897





EDWARDS,Mike and JENNER, Martin - FIeld Guide to the Bumblebees of Great Britain and Ireland- Ocelli. 2005






GIBBONS, Bob & BROUGH, Peter -The Hamlyn Photographic Guide to the Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe. Hamlyn, London. 1992.


GIBBONS, Bob and BROUGH, Peter - The Hamlyn Photographic Guide to Wild Flowers, Chancellor Press, London. 1998





HART, Cyril and RAYMOND, Charles - BRITISH TREES IN COLOUR - Rainbird Reference Books, London. 1973


HIGGENS,L.G. and RILEY, N.D. - Collins Fields Guide to Butterflies - Harper Collins, London. 1993

HOFFMANN, Helga . - Wild Animals of Britain and Europe, Collins nature guides- Harper Collins, London. 1995


HUBBARD, C.E. - Grasses, A guide to their structure, identification, uses, and distribution in the British Isles - Pelican Books, Harmonsworth, Middx. 1954





IMES, Rick - INSECTS, The Practical Guide to Entomology,Quantum Books (1996)


IVIMEY-COOK - Atlas of the Devon Flora - Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art, Exeter. 1984




JOHNS, Rev. C.A. (ed Boulger,Prof. G.S.) - Flowers of the Field - SPCK, London. 1911


JOHNS, Rev. C.A. (Ed. Cook, E.T.) - BRITISH TREES, Including the finer shrubs for garden and woodland, George Routledge and Sons, Ltd, London



KEBLE MARTIN W. - The Concise British Flora in Colour - Ebury Press and Michael Joseph .1995


KERNEY,M.P., CAMERON,R.A.D., RILEY, Gordon - Collins Field Guide,Land Snails - Harper Collins,London. 1979


KEIZER, Gerrit J -Encyclopaedia of Fungi, - Rebo Productions. 1997.




LACK, David - The Life of the Robin, Pelican Books, London. 1953



LYNEBORG, Leif - Moths In Colour - Blandford Press, Poole, Dorset. 1976.




MAHON, Andrew - GRASSHOPPERS & BUSH CRICKETS - Shire Natural History - Shire Publishing (1988)



NICHOLSON, B.E. and CLAPHAM, A.R. - The Oxford Book of TreesOxford University Press.1975.





PEGLER, David - Field Guide to the Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain & Europe - Kingfisher Books .1998.


PFLEGER, Vaclav - A Field guide in Colour to Molluscs - Blitz Editions,Leicester. 1998 .


PHILLIPS, Roger - Mushrooms and other fungi of Great Britain and Europe, - Macmillan  Reference.1994


PHILLIPS, Roger - Trees In Britain, Europe and North America - Ward Lock Ltd London 1978

PORTER, Jim- The Colour Identification guide to Caterpillars of the British Isles,Viking (Penguin Books), London. 1997


PRESS, Bob and HOSKING, David - Photographic Field guide , Trees of Britain and Europe - Select Editions. 2002





ROSE Francis - Observers Series, Wild Flowers - Claremont Books, London. 1937





SNOW, D.W.- A Study of Blackbirds - British Museum (Natural History), London. 1988

STERRY, Paul (1991) - Country Guides - Fungi of Britain and Northern Europe, Chancellor Press



STERRY, Paul and PRESS, Bob - A PHOTOGRAPHIC GUIDE TO TREES OF BRITAIN AND EUROPE, New Holland Publishers Ltd, London . 1995


STERRY, Paul - A Photographic Guide to Butterflies of Britain and Europe - New Holland, London. 1995


STERRY Paul and PRESS Bob - A Photographic Guide to Wild Flowers of Britain and Europe - New Holland (Publisher) Ltd, London. 1995


SVRECK,Mirko - A Magna Field Guide - Mushrooms, Svrcek - Magna Books. 1994





TOMAN, Jan & FELIX Jiri - A Field Guide in Colour to Plants and Animals- Blitz Editions, Endeby, Leicester 1998

TOMLINSON,David, STILL, Rob - Britain's Butterflies- Wild Guides, Old Basing, Hampshire. 2002









WALTERS, Michael - Birds' Eggs, Dorling Kindersley, London 1994

WARREN M.S. (1992) - Species Euphydryas Aurinia Rottemburg 1775. Bern Convention Data Sheet. European Invertebrate Survey. Newsletter 8, in Barnett and Warren 1995.


WARREN-WREN, S.C. - WILLOWS - David & Charles, Newton Abbot. 1972


WESLEY, Rev John - Primitive Physic or An Easy and Natural Method or Curing Most Diseases - Thomas Cordeaux, London. 1820


WILLIAMS Michael - SUPERSTITIONS AND FOLKLORE - Bossinney Books, Bodmin, Cornwall .1982


WOOD, Rev. J.G. - The Common Moths of England - Goerge Routledge, London


WOLTON R.J. - Management Guidelines for Culm Grassland - English Nature, Okehampton.












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