The Marsh Thistles which were coming out in June are now in full bloom, giving a purplish haze to the fields.



Marsh Thistle

Circium Palustre (Compositae)

The Marsh Thistle at Quoditch appears in a variety of shades from deep purple to pure white, with pale purple hybrids as well. Field Four is full of thistles at the moment, which makes it ideal for the hundreds of butterflies there.



This is Sneezewort (Achillea Ptarmica), sometimes called Bastard Pellitory and can be seen in amongst the reeds in this field. It derives its name from its medicinal use. When dried and powdered it was sniffed up the nose, thus, as Culpeper puts it, ridding the head of "tough slimy humours" It has a hot biting taste and was also used in salads to "correct the coldness of other herbs"
Bird's Foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) - fam leguminosae. This is very popular with our bees and especially our Wood White butterflies.



Page Updated 7th March 2006

 To see the flora for other months return to main FLOWER PAGE


KEBLE MARTIN W. (1965) - The Concise British Flora in Colour - Ebury Press and Michael Joseph

CHINERY Michael (1995) - Collins Checkbook - British Wild Flowers - Harper Collins, London

ROSE Francis (1937) - Observers Series, Wild Flowers - Claremont Books, London

STERRY Paul and PRESS Bob (1995) - A Photographic Guide to Wild Flowers of Britain and Europe - New Holland (Publisher) Ltd, London

 PHOTOGRAPHS on this web site may be freely used for non-profitmaking educational purposes. For other uses please contact us.

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